Beyond the beaten track...
A new approach to Poultry Biosecurity.
Are routine Biosecurity measures good enough ? Where are the pit falls?
MediChem identifies two important shortcomings in the Biosecurity plan.
1. Lack of Hand Hygiene is an important short coming in today’s Biosecurity measure.
2. Inadequate and unprotected water sanitation is also a chink in the Biosecurity armour.
Transient hand microbes are a major source of cross infection. Inadvertently, we pass on pathogens from one bird to another during vaccination or clinical examination
Prevent hands from contaminating.
HandDis-m protects your hands, prevents cross contamination. Go home safe!
HandDis-m, waterless, soapless, toweless hand disinfectant.
HandDis-m-your first line of defence. |
“As with other infectious illnesses, one of the most important and appropriate preventive practices is careful and frequent hand hygiene. Cleaning your hands often using either soap and water or waterless alcohol-based hand sanitizers removes potentially infectious materials from your skin and helps prevent disease transmission.”
U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Antigenic “shift” results in new human influenza A virus subtype through direct animal (poultry) to human transmission. Efficient and sustained virus transmission occurs among humans (sustained person-to-person spread)
Avian Influenza: Worker Health and Safety
Lisa J. Delaney, M.S., C.I.H.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH)
“Perform hand hygiene with alcohol based hand rubs (preferably) Or soap and water.” The World Health Organisation
�80% of All Diseases in the World are water related- World Health Organisation
Water sanitation is equally important biosecurity measure. In several countries, water is highly contaminated. Uncovered water tanks and water outlet is exposed to aerial microbial contamination. Though chlorination is an economical method to sanitise water by gas or sodium hyochlorite (liquid chlorine), it is woefully inadequate to maintain residual chlorine levels.
Why should there be residual chlorine in water ?
In highly populated poultry belts, the microbial air density is far reaching. A dynamic aerial biological activity puts a microbial blanket over large parts of poultry belt. This aerial microbial onslaught makes water systems prone to contamination. Products that offer a continuous residual activity give better protection against the microbial bombardment, leaving water relatively safe. Besides, long residual activity in water also hinders growth of opportunistic intestinal bacteria such as E coli and salmonella. Water with good residual chlorine hinders bacterial growth. This promotes proper assimilation of food, leading to better food conversion ratio’s.
Sanext-m properties.
- Sanext-m has broad spectrum activity and persistent residual action in water.
- Sanext-m kills water borne pathogens.
- Sanext-m maintains residual chlorine in water, checks aerial route contamination.
- Sanext-m also takes care of water contamination due to nasal discharges directly into water through nipple contact of infected birds.(import source of water contamination)
- Sanext-m is the answer for emerging viral infections.
- Sanext-m is very safe. The compound is recommended by World health Organisation for drinking water.
For water biosecurity:- Residual activity of chlorine in water is a must.
Sanext-m ensures residual activity in water. |
- The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food additives in their sixty-first meeting in Rome, on 10-19 June, 2003 has evaluated sodium dichlorisocyanurate* and their recommendations under serial No.6, page 8 as “water treatment agent”. *Sanext-m
Terminal Decontamination
Poultry Sheds, Surface area, Aerial spray:-
Poultry activity leaves behind high organic load. The effectiveness of a product depends upon s its ability to penetrate these organic load. The product should maintain biocidal activity under organic challenge. Achieve minimum inhibitory concentrations under trying conditions. It should ideally have residual activity, so that the microbes are kept under check for a long time. MediChem’s high end technology delivers these multilevel properties. Our products are safe and ecofriendly. You can choose from our range of terminal disinfectants that suits you.